Sunday, March 9, 2014

Review #4: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (list number 27)

Review # 4
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (list number 26)

For the first time in a long time I am purely speechless. So to avoid making this sound as though is was written by Doge I'm gonna keep it short and sweet.

     Much Smith
                                                                                                                     Very Washington

“Mr. Smith Goes to Washington's” plot is fairly straightforward: good guy, through a contrived set of circumstances, winds up in the last place you'd ever expect while the bad guys scramble to keep him in his place. Of course the bad guys fail, because this was made in 1939 and it was practically illegal for anything else to happen. Oh, and the good guy gets the girl, but I'm sure you would have figured that one out yourself (again, 1939).
The acting was good, considering overacting seems to have been commonplace back in the day. Of course Jimmy Stewart was great as the honest-to-a-fault Jefferson Smith, and though he could have carried the movie by himself, the supporting cast of characters were both written and performed well enough to compliment the lead. That being said, what struck me most about this film wasn't the acting but the timelessness of the story and it's message: always stand up for what is right, even to your detriment.
I'm gonna stop here to avoid getting on my soapbox, as this movie strikes a cord with my political beliefs.

Story: 2.5/3
-the central plot of Jefferson Smith vs the Establishment is wonderful; his romance on the side is not. I find it far too cliché, though I only take half a point because it wasn't quite as overdone as some other movies I've seen.
Acting: 2.5/3
-Excellent, because Jimmy Stewart.
Music: 1/1
-Not overbearing, so I'm cool with it.
Tone: 2/2
-The David and Goliath hopelessness wasn't overbearing, and though you know Smith has to ultimately succeed (see 1939), it wasn't so obvious that you'll feel the urge to walk away from it.
Production value: 1/1
-Well done. There's nothing I can say bad about it.
After effect: 1/1
-I walked away feeling inspired to take on the machine and set the world right again, so I guess I'll have to award full points.

Total: 10/11
Translated to the ten point scale that's a 9.1, putting it up and over the requirement I have set for movies to be allowed in my 'Top 100' list.

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