Saturday, November 30, 2013

Review #1: Gone with the WInd

I'll start with number 5 on the list: Gone With the Wind.
Okay, so this movie is loooooong, and while that can be a bad thing, this classic is able to keep me entertained (for the most part) throughout. There are sad moments, funny moments, sad moments, happy moments, and did I mention sad moments? Sheesh, half the movie is a downer, but that's clearly intended and to be expected in what I would call an 'epic tragedy.'
The acting was... well... let's just say I don't feel it would work that well for a modern movie. It all felt so theatrical and overdone that sometimes I thought I was watching a play. Vivian Leigh (Scarlet) is probably the biggest offender here, but I can forgive it because it was considered to be the norm during that time period. Two standouts I do have to mention, though: Clark Gable (Rhett Butler) and Hattie McDaniel (Mammie). Gable is just perfect for his role; playing Butler is effortless for him and he makes it one of the most memorable performances I've seen in cinema. McDaniel, though playing a somewhat smaller role, outshines anyone she shares the screen with (excepting Gable; seriously, the guy's a boss). It's no wonder that she was the first the first black person (not just woman) to win an Academy Award.
The music, I feel, is overdone; it is loud and dramatic throughout, even during some dialogue. However, I cannot dock very many points because it is a product of its time period.
Now for the ever-important score (because being rated by me is the most important thing that can happen to a movie). While I may have some personal issues with “Gone With the Wind,' there's just nothing I can find that is objectively wrong with it. However the acting, cinematography, score, story, and pacing are superb (once you take in consideration the time in which the film was made), so I therefore cannot give this masterpiece anything less than a perfect 10/10. It belongs on the top 100 list.

Note: 10/10 does not mean I love the movie; I would actually give it a subjective score of about 6/10 because I just don't like it all that much.


Okay people, since I've started this medical school journey I've either had no time for anything (90% of the time) or time to kill (weekends after exams). During this past lull/break I've come up with an idea: I'm going to review all of AFI's 100 Greatest Movies (2007) and determine how good those films really are. I rate films on a 10 point scale, and nothing less than a 9 should belong on a 'Greatest Movies' list.
I won't be going in any particular order, and movies I've seen recently I'll review without actually rewatching them. My short reviews will be posted here, probably an average of one a week.
As I go, I'd love to hear everybody's opinions on the movies in question.